Chip Scale Test & Burn-In Sockets Test & Burn-In of Any SMT Device! CSP BGA LGA QFN DSP SRAM DRAM Flash Devices, etc. |
"Aries, the world leader in Spring Probe Test & Burn-In Socket Technology" |
The bodies of these sockets are molded and the interior interposer drilled for the spring probes, device guide, pressure pad, and heat slug hole are machined for your exact device footprint, saving you dollars and with equal or better performance than a fully machined socket. The mechanical hold down, (2 or 4 screws for this family of sockets) and the alignment pins are standardized Aries footprints, to which we add your device footprint for a perfect fit. Where you require a different mechanical hold down or alignment, we also make fully machined sockets to suite your needs with the same Aries high reliability Aries Patented Spring Probes for outstanding performance. Send us a device drawing for a quote today. |
Images © 2009 Larsen Associates
© 1988 - © 2014 Copyright Larsen Associates
4/30/14 |