Chip Scale Test & Burn-In Sockets Test & Burn-In of Any SMT Device! CSP BGA LGA QFN DSP SRAM DRAM Flash Devices, etc. |
"Aries, the world leader in IC Adapters and Spring Probe Test & Burn-In Socket Technology" |
CSP Adapter. This option adapts a surface mount spring probe test socket to a through hole application. Plus you can have any pin translation or pinout you want. Aries is expert in adapter technology in addition to their world famous spring probe test socket technology, so combining the two technologies is a perfect combination for that special application you need. Let us know your needs. |
Need and adapter? Aries can make just about any IC adapter needed to fit any application and specializes in adapters that avoid a spin of the board. These IC adaptors can have test sockets or not. Essentially and adapter can be a module that adds components, translates pin outs, translates different foot prints, and generally fit in the space of the old device due to Aries patented limited depth pin insertion technology. Need an custom IC adapter? You came to the right place. Send me the two footprints involved, the pin translation, (one to one or anything you want), and the quantity you need and we can quickly go from there. Contact us today. |
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4/30/14 |