"Building Beyond Your Expectations Since 1974"
Automated Handlers, Testing, Laser Marking , Programming, Custom Equipment for the Electronics, Medical, Military, Commercial & Industrial Industries
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MEMS Test Handlers:

Exatron has produced systems for air pressure/vacuum, audio, electrical, impact/vibration, light sense/source, thermal, and magnetic testing, and laser marking.

Exatron MEMS test handler with hot cold ambient temperature  pressure  vacuum test
Exatron MEMS pressure sensor assembly handler machine
MEMS Test Handler with Hot Cold Ambient Temperature
and Pressure & Vacuum Test
MEMS Pressure Sensor Assembly Machine

MEMS Test Handlers - Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems

Mems test technology involves the integration of electrical test with one or more environmental conditions. Exatron designs automated test handling systems integrated with MEMS test equipment. Exatron has designed & built numerous custom handlers to test a wide variety of MEMS devices. Exatron builds custom handlers to program MEMS devices

Exatron Builds MEMS Handlers with:

Air Pressure - Vacuum - Audio - Electrical - Impact - Laser Mark - Light Sense - Light Source- Magnetic- Thermal- Vibration & more.

Tell us your needs,

contact us today.

Exatron MEMS pressure welding assembly machine handler Exatron MEMS inspection and transfer handler
Exatron MEMS Pressure Welding Assembly Machine
MEMS Inspection and Transfer Handler

Model 900 MEMS Light Source
Exatron MEMS laser Handler
Model 1900 Laser Marker
Exatron MEMS Handler

Model 8000 MEMS thermal test
MEMS audio test head & chamber

MEMS pressure Vacuum tester
MEMS light sense tester

MEMS magnetic tester

MEMS vibration tester

All Handlers shown include Electrical Test

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MEMS Test Handlers
Test Handler manufacturers Exatron IC test ATE automatic test equipment USA high UPH

Silicon Valley California

"Build a Handler"

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