Welcome Aries Distributors
(Quick Reference, Quick Training Page)
" Hi, This page intended for Aries Distributor Sales People but everyone is welcome! Click here for public Larsen Associates
Question: " How do I make Quick and Easy sales and make my customers Happy??"
HINT: "Simply tell your customers you have Aries Correct-A-Chip ADAPTERS AVAILABLE!" |
HELP: Download and Print a flyer to hand to your customers. (Put your name & contact info on it) |
More Help: Find the opportunity, Call me, I can do the work for you and send you the quote to deliver to your customer. Or just get items 1 to 4 on the Checklist. |
"What is an Aries Correct-A-Chip Adapter???"
Answer: The Alternative to "Spinning A Board"
Standard off-the-shelf, or Custom
-->Prototype quantity to full large scale Production Quantities.
A Fact of Life:
ICs go obsolete! But you knew that. Customers are then faced with "Spinning A Board". This can be a very costly, time consuming, painful process for them. Every one of your customers will think they need to spin a board at some time or another. This is your opportunity for Aries "Correct-A-Chip" Adapters, to make your customers Happy
For your Customer: C-A-C is Cost Effective, Saves Time-to-Market, A Quick alternative to spinning.
For you: C-A-C is Easy, Money Making, and you can be a Hero to your customer.
Make your customers happy. Its easy. Just let them know this option is available to them from you.
Just find the opportunity, let me know and we can even do the work for you, then send you the quote for you to add your margin and you quote your customer. You will be a hero and make money.
It's Easy --> Make Money --> Make your customer Happy! -->Win - Win.
Interested? See 10 Questions or contact me anytime.
Aries Electronics Direct Factory Representative
10 Questions and Answers for you
1.) Will your customers ICs go Obsolete?
You can bet on it! Absolutely every one of your customers will have an IC go obsolete on them at some point for a variety of reasons.
--A newer, faster, better, less expensive chip is on the market
--The old chip is discontinued,
--Or no longer available in the same footprint, package, pinout, etc.
2.) What options does your customer have? What do they do now?
--Spin the board just to accommodate the new IC?
(Very costly in time, money, engineering resources, time to market, etc.)
--Pay excessive amounts for old stock of the old part, if it can be found?
(Costly, plus customers, marketing department, & sales, are all unhappy)
3.) Is there a cost effective alternative?
--....Yes!....The Aries "Correct-A-Chip"....(In about 85% of the cases!)
4.) What is an Aries Correct-A-Chip?
-- An Aries "Correct-A-Chip" is a cost effective adapter that converts the the new IC to the old board footprint, thus avoiding a great deal of pain and discontent for your customer in terms of money, engineering time, time to market, cost and aggravation, and loss of competitive edge.
--An Aries "Correct-A-Chip" can convert any footprint to any footprint, any termination style to any termination style, any pin out to any pin out, plus you can even add components if needed, and it is available from small prototype quantities all the way through very large production quantities.
Thus No Spin & No Pain, and You Gain.
5.) Why should I add this to my bag, when I am so busy already?
--You make real good money, you are a hero to your customer, and it takes very little time on your part to make this miracle happen.
It's a no brainer.
6.) How do you sell this?
--You don't really. You just let you customer know about this option, and that it is available to them, from you. You present it, they will buy it.
7.) What do I do?
--Once you find an application, you can either collect the minimal necessary info yourself and send it to me, or just let me know and I will get the info, and do the work, and then send you a quote, to which you add your margin and then you quote your customer.
8.) What is the usual amount of necessary info you need to quote?
A.) A physical drawing of the board footprint (pdf works)
B.) A physical drawing of the new IC (pdf works or URL)
C.) The pin to pin connection. (Net list)
D.) The quantity to quote. (10 pieces or up to thousands+++)
(or just let me know and I will get this from the customer for you)
9.) What do I have to do to be a part of this?
-- Let your customers know you have Aries "Correct-A-Chip" adapters!
- Print the flyer out below and hand your customer a copy. That's it!
Remember to put you name on the flyer. . If you need more info, let me know and I will provide additional materials, and anything else you need to make this work for you and your customers. Then we will go from there.
10.) Does this actually work?
-- Absolutely Yes!.
for Production and Prototype
Aries manufactures a large number of production Standard off-the-shelf IC adapters and conversion products. Generally these products have one to one pin outs. In some cases they have specialized pins outs to fit the particular application. These parts are readily available from Aries and Aries distributors.
Adapters include Aries Electronics chip adapter sockets IC adaptors conversions SOIC TO DIP SOWIC SOJ PLCC QFP PGA PQFP SSOP VQFP SOT MSOP BGA LGA more
See Aries Standard Adapters
for Production and Prototype
Before you Spin, Think Adapters,
Saves money, engineering time, time to market, costs, etc..
Aries manufactures just about any Custom adapter, with any pin out, and with any combinations of footprint and termination styles, quickly and cost effectively for prototyping, or your production needs. Aries specializes in production adapters at any volume. Aries specializes in providing production adapters in place of costly board spins.
Custom Checklist

Download This Check List,
Print out and give to Customers, Add your contact info.
Download Checklist Here
Click here: Download this Word Doc Flyer to hand to your customers. Personalize with your contact info.
Click Here: Download PDF version.
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